DIFF Hospital
Clinic Name

DIFF Hospital is proud to be one of the leading IVF centres in Abuja, Nigeria and Africa. We offer a range of comprehensive fertility treatments and techniques including: IVF, ICSI-ET, FET, PGD, blastocyst biopsy and IVF-surrogacy. We are here to provide expert advice on the most appropriate treatment plan for you as well as customized care from the beginning to the very end of your IVF journey. The nature of assisted conception you are offered is dependent on the individual needs of the patients and the results of your fertility investigations. This will be properly outlined to you during consultation.

Phone Number
09-2906387, 815-0871200, 815-0871300
Clinic Location (State)
Clinic Address
6, Udi Hills Close, Aso Drive, Abuja, Nigeria

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