Procare Hospital

Procare Hospital is a place dedicated to transforming the patient andfamily experience through innovative healthcare practices, a sereneenvironment, and Our Patient-Centered Care approach. Our qualifiedmedical team consisting of Consultants, Medical Officers, Nurses, Labscientists and clinical assistants have over a decade of experience inAssisted Reproductive Technologies (IVF et. co), Gynaecology andObstetrics, Antenatal and Maternity Care, 3d/ 4d Ultrasound Diagnostics,and Minimally Invasive Surgeries. We also offer Paediatrics, FamilyMedicine, and much more. Our patients testify to our professionalism andgentleness of care.

Phone Number
0909-888-9018 (IVF INQUIRIES), 0909-888-9015(Customer Service)
Clinic Location (State)
Clinic Address
Plot 930, Abubakar Koko Avenue, Life Camp, Abuja, FCT, Nigeria.



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